The NCCA Interactive Blog allows postings by and for the general public, patients, physicians and NCCA members. Click on the Blog link in the header of any page to go to the Blog Page where you can find all of the current posts in reverse chronological order.
There are special pages devoted to select topics, like “NCCA News”. “Members Forum” is another unique page that is only visible to NCCA members. Each special page will tell you what categories are included there. You can also create your own topic based reading simply by selecting the desired category(s) in the right-sidebar drop down menu on the main Blog Page.
Any title of a post that turns blue when you hover over it is a link that will take you to a page for that link where the complete post and any comments are shown. Comments are permitted and appreciated for most posts.
Note that posts and comments may not appear immediately, to allow for moderation and approval.
To create a new blog post, simply click on the “+ New” link in the WorkPress bar with the black background at the top of the page. You will find a standard text editor, where you can enter your post. Or, if you don’t want to allow comments in your post, you can use the nifty front-end Create Blog Post form.
If you are an NCCA member and you wish to limit a new blog post to be visible only to other NCCA members who are logged in, please change its Visibility to “Private” in the “Publish” box to the right of the text editor.
Enjoy the blog! Please use the Contact page for any questions or problems.
Awesome! ?